Safety and efficacy of L arginine produced by Corynebacterium glutamicum KCTC 10423BP for all animal species


L-Arginine is considered as a non-essential amino acid for most adult mammalian species, but it is classified as essential for birds, fish, possibly reptiles and also for strict carnivores. The following conclusions refer to L-arginine produced by Corynebacterium glutamicum KCTC 10423BP. The use of L-arginine is safe for target species when supplemented to diets in appropriate amounts. There are no safety concerns arising from ruminal L-arginine metabolism. The composition of edible tissues and products of animal origin will not be altered by the use of L-arginine in animal nutrition. Considering the high purity of the product under assessment, no risk is expected for the consumer from the use of L-arginine as a feed additive. L-Arginine is not irritating to skin or eyes and is not likely to be a skin sensitiser. Although there is a potential for user exposure by inhalation, there is evidence of no acute toxicity by the inhalation route. The use of L-arginine in animal nutrition would not pose a risk to the environment. Dietary L-arginine is an effective source of arginine for all animal species when a requirement exists. For the supplemental L-arginine to be fully efficacious in ruminants, it requires protection against degradation in the rumen

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