We introduce a peculiar ecosystem aimed at ruling in remote the household appliances of the members
of a special social network. The keen feature of the social network is a networked intelligence, equipped with cognitive
tools that enable it to provide services fully compliant with the members\u2019 needs. The scheme is the following: The
appliances are internet-connected through the home Wi-Fi router. The user asks the social network for a task to be
executed by his appliance (for instance, washing three kilos of woollen coloured laundry), the network, in the role of an
electronic super-mom, sends directly to the washing machine an optimal sequence of commands the recipes (such as:
warm the water at 34\ub0, soak for 57 minutes, etc.) to execute the task in a way that matches the user preferences,
possibly green goals included. Feedbacks are sent by user and appliances themselves to the network intelligence to
close the permanent recipe optimization loop, with offline advice on the part of appliance manufacturers. A properly
devised user interface allows a friendly and accurate management of all interactions between the user and the social
network, constituting the user-centric support of the cognitive driven services representing a genuine instance of WEB