Nel lavoro viene affrontato il problema della propriet\ue0 delle cave lunensi: in particolare \ue8 oggetto di discussione la data dell' inglobamento delle cave (o di parte di esse) nella propriet\ue0 imperiale.The A. examine the development of the marble quarries of Carrara (Luni).In the first part of the paper, the history of the use and exploitation of themarble quarries located in Luna territory is reconstructed. The A. underlinethe questions raised by the examination of the archaeological and epigraphicalmaterial from the quarries. Particularly important are the notaelapicidinarum, which is subject of a research project. In the second part,the paper deals with the problem of the acquisition of the quarries by theEmperor examined within the framework of the quarry management bythe colonia of Luna and of the active presence of private entrepreneurship