
Given an integer σ>1\sigma > 1, a vector (δ1,δ2,,δσ1)(\delta_1, \delta_2, \ldots, \delta_{\sigma-1}) of nonnegative integers, and an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), an L(δ1,δ2,,δσ1)L(\delta_1, \delta_2, \ldots,\delta_{\sigma-1})-coloring of GG is a function ff from the vertex set VV to a set of nonnegative integers such that f(u)f(v)δi| f(u) -f(v) | \ge \delta_i, if d(u,v)=i, 1iσ1, d(u,v) = i, \ 1 \le i \le \sigma-1, \ where d(u,v)d(u,v) is the distance (i.e. the minimum number of edges) between the vertices uu and vv. An optimal L(δ1,δ2,,δσ1)L(\delta_1, \delta_2, \ldots,\delta_{\sigma-1})-coloring for GG is one using the smallest range λ\lambda of integers over all such colorings. This problem has relevant application in channel assignment for interference avoidance in wireless networks, where channels (i.e. colors) assigned to interfering stations (i.e. vertices) at distance ii must be at least δi\delta_i apart, while the same channel can be reused in vertices whose distance is at least σ\sigma. In particular, two versions of the coloring problem -- L(2,1,1)L(2,1,1), and L(δ1,1,,1)L(\delta_1, 1, \ldots,1) -- are considered. Since these versions of the problem are NPNP-hard for general graphs, efficient algorithms for finding optimal colorings are provided for specific graphs modeling realistic wireless networks including rings, bidimensional grids, and cellular grids

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