Nafertisite, a layer titanosilicate member of a polysomatic series including mica


Nafertisite, (Na,K)3(Fe2+,Fe3+,\u25a1)10[Ti 2(Si,Fe3+,Al)12O37](OH,O) 6, is an alkaline titanosilicate from the Khibina massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia). It is monoclinic A2/m with a = 5.353(4), b = 16.176(12), c = 21.95(2) \uc5, f = 94.6(2)\ub0, Z = 2. The comparison with bafertisite, Ba2(Fe,Mn)4[Ti2Si4O 17](OH,O)3, and astrophyllite, (K,Na)3(Fe,Mn)7 [Ti2Si8O27](OH,O)4, allowed to obtain a structural model for nafertisite which has been tested against X-ray diffraction data obtained from a very poor crystal. On the basis of a bafertisite-like B module (A,\u25a1)2(M,\u25a1)4 [X2T4O17](OH)2 and a mica-like M module (A,\u25a1)(M,\u25a1)3[T4O10](OH)2, a polysomatic series BMn can be defined where bafertisite, astrophyllite, nafertisite and mica are the members with n = 0, 1, 2, 1e, respectively. It is called heterophyllosilicate series because the crystal structures of the members consist of 2:1 HOH layers where O is an octahedral sheet and H is a tetrahedral-like sheet which differs from the T sheet of the phyllosilicates for the insertion of Ti octahedra; these play a role similar to that of Si tetrahedra. A group of titanosilicates is shown to be derivatives of the bafertisite structure with different interlayer contents

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