Dietary proteins modulates the gene expression in mice chronically exposed to arsenate.


In the frame of a project on the assessment of risk modifying factors modulating the health effects of environmental chemicals we are developing a toxicogenomic approach using an \u201carsenic in mice\u201d experimental model, considering multistressors exposure, genetics, age, levels and length of exposure, etc. In the present study, we used cDNA Macroarrays to investigate the effects of low protein intake on the expression of 1185 cancer-related genes in the liver of male and female mice transplacentary exposed to different levels of arsenate in drinking water during gestation and developmental age. The results of this study support the relevance of dietary factors in modulating the physiological responses in gene expression following chronic exposure to xenobiotics. In mice chronically exposed to arsenate in drinking water, the modulation of gene expression in different tissues was not only depending on the levels of the xenobiotic under investigation, but mainly regulated by the content of proteins in diet

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