National energy policies and global environmental issues : a theoretical framework for reconciling domestic and international law


The concern relating to the greenhouse effect, which is presumed to be the result of carbon dioxide emissions created when fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal are burned, is affecting even more the energy matter which stands at the top of the domestic and foreign policy agendas of several countries. National strategies to confront these challenges are variably assorted according to the diverse geopolitical and geological backgrounds. A multiplication of regional institutions may render the experiment of integrating climate change and energy security policies more open to other solutions than experimented by world economy since the end of Cold war. Furthermore, the new global players have the possibilities in the regional institutions to gradually prepare their own legal systems and policy priorities to be compatible with the global environmental challenges.Paper presented by Paolo Farah at the Conference \u201cItalian Researchers in China", Embassy of Italy, Scientific and Technological Office, Beijing, China. Panel discussants of the submitted paper composed by Prof. Nerina Boschiero \u2013 Full Professor of International Law, Director, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law, Faculty of Law, University of Milan and Huang Zhenzhong - Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law, Beijing Normal University. Beijing, 24th September 200

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