Lesivit\ue0 da arma bianca : aspetti patologico-forensi e tossicologico-forensi relativi alla casistica del settorato medico-legale milanese nel quadriennio 2000-2003


Cases of death ascribed to lesions from sharp instruments were selected from the necroscopy records of the Milan Institute of forensic medicine for the four years 2000-2003. Of the total number of 4.089 autopsies, 62 cases were found, of wich 45 were homicides, 16 suicides and 1 accidental. In addition to collecting epidemiological, anatomical, pathological, and history and circumstance data on each case, the autors considered the chemical-toxicological findings, where that was possible. Specifically a quantitative and qualitative examination was performed on samples of biological liquids (blood and urine) for determination of blood alcohol and of narcotic and psychotropic substances

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