Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase MRP4 expression in an endometriotic epithelial cell line in a PPARa dependent manner.


OBJECTIVE: The application of an electronic database in clinical practice is used widespread in every field of medicine. The aim of the present study is to illustrate our experience to use a database software for documentation of two of our clinical activities, outpatient hysteros- copy and inpatient gynaecological surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 2004, we de- signed two databases, the first one to docu- ment surgical procedures in the operating the- atre, the second to document outpatient hys- teroscopy procedures using FileMaker v.8.5. The data entry interface contains free text fields for patient demographic data and the descrip- tion of the surgical procedure, supplemented by drop-down lists for items such as clinical find- ings, procedures, instrumentation, technique, and complications. Copies were filed in the main hospital notes, sent to General Practitioners, and also given to our patients. RESULTS: Since August 2004, we have used our two databases to document 2766 gynaecological operations and 3777 outpatient hysteroscopies. All users particularly liked the dropdown lists as their use greatly reduced the time taken to enter each patient’s data. The databases were regular- ly used to select patients for audit projects and research data collection for prospective studies. CONCLUSIONS: FileMaker is an user-friendly and easily configured software, extremely valu- able in everyday clinical work

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