
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui berbagai teknik fingering dan bowing pada karya Violin Concerto in G Minor bagian pertama Karya Max Bruch. Karya ini baik dimainkan oleh pemain yang memiliki kemampuan tingkat mahir disebabkan karena banyaknya permasalahan dalam memainkan teknik fingering dan bowing, sehingga menuntut setiap pemain agar dapat menguasai tekniknya terlebih dahulu sebelum memainkan karya ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian teknik bermain Violin Concerto No. 1 In G Minor Bagian Pertama ialah terdapat teknik double stop, triple stop, artificial harmonic, trill, appogiatura dan berbagai penggunaan posisi fingering mulai dari posisi 1st hingga posisi 7th. Dalam karya ini permasalahannya terletak pada permainan teknik fingering yang banyak memainkan doube stop dan triple stop yang berhubungan dengan akord, sehingga sangat berkaitan dengan teknik bowing dan menimbulkan permasalahan dalam karakter bunyi yang dihasilkan. Selain itu pada teknik bowing ada beberapa temuan diantaranya playing chord, slur, spicato, staccato, marcato, detache, sfrorzando. crossing string.sangatlah penting karena berhubungan dengan warna bunyi, pengkalimatan musik yang dihasilkan. Secara keseluruhan teknik fingering dan bowing. Penelitian ini dapat berguna bagi pemain violin yang sudah mahir, karena banyak sekali ilmu dan pengetahuan yang didapat dalam karya ini.---------- The purpose of this research is to know the various fingering and bowing techniques in Violin Concerto in G Minor's work in the first part of Max Bruch's Work. This work is well played by players who have advanced skills due to the many problems in playing the fingering and bowing techniques, thus demanding each player to master the technique first before playing this work. The method used is descriptive analytic method with qualitative approach. The results of Violin Concerto's research technique. 1 In G Minor The first section is a double stop, triple stop, artificial harmonic, trill, appogiatura and various fingering positions ranging from 1st to 7th positions. In this work the problem lies in the game of fingering technique that plays many doube stops and triple stops associated with chords, so it is very much related to the technique of bowing and cause problems in the character of the resulting sound. In addition to the technique of bowing there are some findings such as playing chord, slur, spicato, staccato, marcato, detache, sfrorzando. Crossing string.its very important because it relates to the color of sound, musical rendering is attested. Overall Fingering and Bowing techniques. This research can be useful for violin players who already proficient, because a lot of knowledge and learning that was found in this work

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