Additional file 4: Fig. S4. Conditions for the CsA washout assay. (A) H126Q cells were infected with WT HIV-1GFP vector by spinoculation in the presence of CsA (1 μM) or C-A1 (3 μM). The drug was washed out at the indicated time points (time of washout) and cells were analysed by FACS 48 h later to determine the percentage of infected (GFP+) cells. (B) Same as (A) but T5Cyp cells expressing functional human TRIMCyp were used. (C) A prolonged time of uncoating assay, in which CsA was washed out at the indicated time points. Rescue of infection reaches a plateau after 10 h. Average ± SD of three independent experiments are shown in (A-C)