Nucleus Retroambiguus Projections To Lumbosacral Mononeuronal Cell Groups In The Male Cat.


Recently, in the female cat, nucleus retroambiguus (NRA) projections have been described as distinct motoneuronal cell groups in the lumbar enlargement, possibly involved in lordosis behavior. The present study deals with the NRA-lumbosacral pathway in the male cat. Lumbosacral injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) were made to localize and quantify retrogradely labeled neurons in the caudal medulla. These injections were preceded by spinal hemisections to distinguish between neurons with ipsi- and contralaterally descending axons. The NRA-lumbosacral fibers descended almost exclusively contralaterally, but neurons in areas surrounding the NRA projected mainly ipsilaterally. Injections of WGA-HRP werc made in the region of the NRA to determine its targets in the lumbosacral cord. To distinguish between the contralateral NRA pathways and the ipsilateral projections from neurons in the adjoining lateral tegmentum, the injections were preceded by ipsilateral hemisections in C2. A new scaling method was used to compare the results of the different cases, despite variations in size and segmental organization. The results show that the distribution pattern of anterogradely labeled fibers in the lumbosacral cord matched precisely the location of certain motoneuronal cell groups. The NRA projected densely to the abdominal wall and pelvic floor rnotoneurons in Onuf's nucleus, moderately to adductor longus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris anterior motoneuronal cell groups, and only sparsely to iliopsoas and semitendinosus motoneuronal cell groups. Compared with the findings in the female, the NRA in the male cat projects more heavily to the biceps anterior and adductor lolgus and only sparsely to the iliopsoas and semitendinosus motoneuronal cell groups. These male-female differences are discussed.

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