Non-aqueous formulations for ram and screen extrusion-spheronisation.


The use of non-aqueous cellulose-based formulations for extrusion-spheronisation (E-S) is investigated. A 10 wt% hydroxypropyl cellulose/isopropyl alcohol solution (HPC/IPA) was identified as a suitable sticky liquid binder for preparing non-aqueous pastes. Preliminary tests were performed on a series of pastes using a ram as well as a laboratory roller screen extruder, since the former is commonly used in batch testing and the latter replicates the shear range in a manufacturing screen extruder. Pellets with acceptable size and shape distributions were obtained with Avicel® HFE-102 NF/HPC/IPA for ram E-S, and with Avicel® RC-591/HPC/IPA for screen E-S. Further investigation was performed with calcium carbonate added as a model active pharmaceutical ingredient. Both formulations were able to generate pellets with acceptable size and shape characteristics at up to 50 wt% carbonate loading: further work is required to optimise yields.EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin studentship for Min Zhang supported by MS

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