Evaluation of Etiquette Strategies to Adapt Feedback In Affect-Aware Tutoring


The purpose of this research is to investigate how to mitigate user frustration and improve task performancein the context of human-computer interaction (HCI). Even though user frustration plays a role in manyaspects of HCI and studies have looked into the consequences of frustration in various fields, the ways tomitigate frustration are less deeply examined. Once the system has the ability to understand and includeuser emotions as factors in HCI, the interaction between the user and the computer system could be adaptedif the computers are able to modify its behavior with users in appropriate ways to further joint performance.Specifically, a preliminary study was conducted to explore the task performance, motivation, andconfidence implications of changing the interaction between the human and the computer via differentetiquette strategies. Participants solved a total of twenty mathematics problems under different frustrationcondition with feedback given in different styles of etiquette. Changing etiquette strategies in tutoring ledto changes in performance, motivation, and confidence. The most effective etiquette strategies changedwhen users were frustrated. This work provides the foundation for the design of adaptive intelligenttutoring system based on etiquette strategies.Copyright Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2016. Posted with permission.</div

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