
TutorialThe privatization of utilities, intense competition in the petrochemical and gas distribution industries, coupled with increasing fuel costs, have created a strong incentive for gas turbine operators to minimize and control performance deterioration. The most significant deterioration problem faced by gas turbine operators is compressor fouling which is the focus of this paper. The effect of compressor fouling is a drop in airflow, pressure ratio and compressor efficiency, resulting in a rematching of the gas turbine and compressor and a drop in power output and thermal efficiency. This paper provides a comprehensive practical treatment of the causes, effects and control of fouling. Gas turbine inlet filtration, fouling mechanisms and compressor washing are also covered in detail. The major emphasis will be on the causes, effects detection and control of compressor fouling. The complexities and challenges of on-line washing of large output new gas turbines will also be covered. The treatment also applies to axial air compressors used in the hydrocarbon processing industry

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