Report from the Metadata Task Group to the DAMEid


In December 2017, the Repository and Metadata team were given a two part charge. 1. Reviewing the Charge which includes • Putting schemas, standards and workflows into place in order to ensure interoperability and functionality across the systems of the DAME. • Consult with relevant stakeholders in the DAME, including: including curators, the Digital Archivist and Digital Preservation Librarian, copyright experts, Digital Initiatives, the Office of Scholarly Communication, and the DAME’s Interfaces & Discovery group • Focus primarily on metadata implementation with the DAME’s Repository stems 2. Recommending metadata schema for Fedora and DSpace • Do an environmental scan that examines how other institutions have approached Fedora and DSpace • Gather information concerning how metadata is stored and expressed in DSpace/Fedora. • Make recommendations for moving between these systems and achieving interoperability • Recommendations for schema, including preferred usage of controlled vocabularies • Recommendations for approaching metadata (i.e. templates, collection level or format) • Recommendations for assigning materials to either DSpace of Fedora • Minimal Metadata requirements • Recommendations for metadata creation workflo

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