Addressing alcohol and tobacco harms in remote Indigenous communities and rapid responses to mental health crises in regional centres


Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs) were initially designed as part of a wide range of innovative and significant Queensland Government reforms. As well as supply control, these promised to reduce alcohol and substance misuse and violence through demand reduction by addressing key social determinants: economic development; education and training, land and sustainable natural resource management, housing, and health 3, 4. The limited available evidence in the peer-reviewed published literature points to some favourable impacts of restrictions 5, 6, including a reduction in indicators of serious injury in some communities to historically low levels 7. These favourable findings were reflected in an internal Queensland Government review 4. However, the evidence that these initial positive effects were experienced in all communities, or that they have been sustained, particularly after the most recent round of restrictions in 2008, has become equivocal 8. This paper was the first in a unique evaluation research program designed to examine the health and social effects of Queensland�s AMPs 1, 9. It investigates issues surrounding implementation of the designed AMP intervention components, specifically their perceived impacts on alcohol supply and consumption, violence, injury and community health and well-being. Perceptions and experiences are reported of the community leaders, service providers and relevant organisations with a mandate or responsibility for alcohol-related matters in the affected AMP communities and nearby towns.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy

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