
Implementation of certain aims of health education i lower primary school instruction


Tjelesno i psihičko zdravlje vrlo je važno za kvalitetan i ispunjen život. Zbog toga je važno još u najranijoj dobi usaditi potrebu za zdravim načinom života. Zdravstveni je odgoj prisutan u hrvatskom školstvu, a provodi se u sklopu drugih nastavnih predmeta. U ovom su radu prikazane prehrambene navike, higijenske navike i navike tjelesne aktivnosti 43 učenika trećih i četvrtih razreda osnovne škole te izvor informacija o istima koji su prikupljeni putem anketnih upitnika. Pretpostavilo se da učenici imaju pozitivne prehrambene navike, pozitivne higijenske navike i pozitivne navike tjelesne aktivnosti. Istraživanje je pokazalo da učenici imaju razvijene pozitivne navike kako prema prehrani, tako prema higijeni te prema tjelesnoj aktivnosti.Physical and mental health is of great importance for a quality and fullfilled life and that is why it is important to instill the urge for a healthy lifestyle from the earliest ages. Health education is taught in Croatian schools through other school subjects. This study shows dietary habits, hygienic habits and habits of physical activity of 43 pupils from third and fourth grades of a primary school and the source of information on a healthy diet, hygiene and physical activity which were gathered through sutvey questionnaires. It was assumed that the pupils have positive dietary habits, positive hygienic habits and positive habits of physical activity. The research has shown that the pupils have positive habits towards diet, hygiene and physical activity

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