
Environmental life cycle assessment of industrialization process of calcined dredged sediments


This research focus on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of dredged sediments valorization. This tool is part of an environmental management approach, which makes it possible to compare the environmental loads of the different stages of the life cycle of the same product and, by the way to deduce the most polluting step in environmental terms and thus the industrialization process of dredging sediments of dams is optimized by modelling using the GEMIS (Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems) 4.95 software and the classification and characterization method. To propose a model that is the more respectful of the environment, by determining the most environmentally friendly scenario, in order to exploit these dredged sediments after calcination treatment to make them active in the field of the building’s construction. The results of this life cycle analysis study of the new industrialization process of dredged sediments show that climate change potential (GHG) is 0,246 ton of CO2eq/t of sediments, acidification potential is 4,55×10-4 ton of SO2 eq/t of sediments, the tropospheric ozone precursor potential is 9,97×10-4 ton of TOPP eq/t of sediments and the cumulative energy and exergy demand is 2506,75 in MJ/t of sediments, these values are compared to others carried out in Algeria

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