
Analisis Faktor Penyebab Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Busuk Dan Bahaya Kecelakaan Menggunakan Fishbone Chart (Studi Kasus Pada Bagian Sortasi di PT Sutopo Lestari Jaya)


At the PT Sutopo Lestari Jaya sorting work station it was seen that the sorting work environment had an open working environment so that when hot weather operators quickly experienced fatigue and the oil content in FFB would shrink, during the rain the work floor sorting would be slippery caused by FFB oil so makes the operator slip and the loader operator is difficult to drive then FFB quickly decays. So improvements are needed by finding the root cause of the problem experienced by using a fishbone diagram. The results obtained are that the sorting work station needs to be repaired by installing a roof in the sorting work environment. With the roof in the sorting work environment, the company can minimize the losses that occur and can eliminate the causes of problems that exist in the sorting work station

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