


Wirawan Yogi Panuti.THE EFFECT OF THE VARIATION OF CORE THICKNESS ON BENDING CHARACTERISTIC OF CANTULAS’ FIBER SANDWICH COMPOSITE WITH THE TYPE COMBINATION C-FLUTE AND A-FLUTE OF CARDBOARD HONEYCOMB CORE.Thesis: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, October, 2013. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the variation of core thickness on strength bending characteristic of cantulas’ fiber sandwich composite with the type combination C-Flute and A-Flute of cardboard honeycomb core. Cantulas’ fiber is used to make the skin by applied it in the same way and get alkali ( 2% NaOH ) in 6 hours. Hand lay up method is used in the production process by using fraction 40:60 resin BQTN 157 with the thickness of skin 4mm. in making the combination between C-Flute and A-Flute core honeycomb used Horisontal Gelombang Dua arah ( HGD ) method with the variation of the core thickness 10 mm, 20mm, and 40 mm. then , adhesive epoxy versamid 140 is used to glue between skin and core. the mechanical test is conducted using bending test according to ASTM C 393 standart. the failure observation of the bending test is done by makro photo. The result shows that the variation of core thickness influence the strength of bending sandwich cantulas’ fiber sandwich composite with the type combination C-Flute and A-Flute of cardboard honeycomb core . the maximum weight of the bending sandwich composite is in the 10mm of the core thickness with the value 14,800MPa, on core shear stress and facing bending stress is in the 10mm of the core thickness with the value 0,634 MPa and 14,271 MPa. the pattern of failure is in the core failure, delaminasi, deformasi and in the skin is causes of load tensile. keywords : sandwich composite, cantulas’ fiber, core thickness, bending, cardboard type C-Flute and A-Flute Wirawan Yogi Panuti.PENGARUH VARIASI KETEBALAN CORETERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK BENDINGKOMPOSIT SANDWICH SERAT CANTULA DENGAN CORE HONEYCOMB KARDUS TIPE KOMBINASIC-FLUTE DAN A-FLUTE. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.Oktober 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketebalan core terhadap kekuatan bending komposit sandwich serat cantula dengan core honeycomb kardus tipe kombinasi C-Flute dan A-Flute. Bahan pembuatan skin menggunakan serat cantula dengan model penempatan searah dan mendapatkan perlakuan alkali ( 2% NaOH ) selama 6 jam kemudian proses cetak dengan metode hand lay up menggunakan fraksi 40 : 60 resin BQTN 157 dengan ketebalan skin 4 mm. Proses pembuatan core honeycomb kombinasi C-Flute dan A-Flute menggunakan arah susunan Horisontal Gelombang Dua arah (HGD) dengan variasi tebal core 10 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm dan 40 mm kemudian perekat antara skin dan core memakai Adhesive epoxyversamid 140. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji bending dengan mengacu pada standart ASTM C 393.Kegagalan uji bending dianalisis dengan menggunakan foto makro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi ketebalan core berpengaruh terhadap kekuatanbending komposit sandwich serat cantula dengan core honeycomb kardus tipe kombinasi C-Flute dan A-Flute, dimana kekuatan bendingtertinggi komposit sandwich berada pada ketebalan core 10 mm dengan nilai 14,800MPa kemudian core shear stress dan facing bending stress tertinggi tetap pada ketebalan core 10 mm dengan nilai 0,634 MPa dan 14,271 MPa. Pola kegagalan yang terjadi adalah gagal core, delaminasi, deformasi dan kegagalan skin akibat beban tarik. Kata Kunci :komposit sandwich, serat cantula, ketebalan core, bendin, kardus tipe C-Flute dan A-Flut

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