OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the combination of b-values and signal averages for diffusion-weighted image acquisitions that render the minimum acquisition time necessary to obtain values of the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model parameters in vivo in the pancreas or liver with acceptable reproducibility. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 16 volunteers, diffusion-weighted images, with 14 b-values and 9 acquisitions per b-value, were acquired in 2 scan sessions. The IVIM model was fitted to data from lesion-sized regions of interest (ROIs) (1.7 cm(3)) as well as organ-sized ROIs in the pancreas and liver. By deleting data during analyzes, the IVIM model parameters, D and f, could be determined as a function of the number of b-values as well as the number of measurements per b-value taken along. For the IVIM model parameters, we examined the behavior reproducibility, in the form of the within-subject coefficient of variation (CVw), as a function of the amount of data taken along in the fits. Finally, we determined the minimum acquisition time required as a function of CVw. RESULT: For the lesion-sized ROI, the intersession CVws were 8%/46% and 13%/55% for D/f in the pancreas and liver, respectively, when all data were taken along. For 1.2 times larger CVws, acquisition in the pancreas could be done in 5:15 minutes using 9 acquisitions per b-value at b = 0, 30, 50, 65, 100, 375, and 500 mm(-2)s and for the liver in 2:15 using 9 acquisitions per b-value at b = 0, 40, and 500 mm(-2)s. CONCLUSIONS: Acquiring 7 b-values in the pancreas and 3 b-values in the liver only decreases the reproducibility by 20% compared with an acquisition with 14 b-values. The understanding of the behavior of reproducibility as a function of b-values and acquisitions per b-values scanned will help researchers select the shortest IVIM protocol