Superdeformation in 144^{144}Gd und Entwicklung eines Softwarepakets zur Datensortierung


An experiment to search for superdeformation in 144^{144}Gd was performed using the 100^{100}Mo(48^{48}Ti,4n)144^{144}Gd reaction at 221 MeV. The beam was delivered by the tandem accelerator at the INFN/LNL at Legnaro, γ\gamma-radiation was measured with the GASP array consisting of 40 compton supressed germanium detectors. A new superdeformed band was found and clearly assigned to 144^{144}Gd. This band shows a strong backbending in the J(2)^{(2)} moment of inertia at a rotation energy of 0.4 MeV. In good correlation with theoretical predictions this effect was interpreted as a crossing of proton quasiparticle levels. A search for linking transitions out of the superdeformed band in 144^{144} Gd was performed by summing each two γ\gamma-energies in coincidence with the band. Several candidates for two-step decay transitions were found and a absolute energy assignment for the band was made. Also possibilities for the absolute spins could be set up. A software package for sorting data delivered by second generation spectrometers was developed and documented

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