Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Using Electromagnetic Interactions


On-orbit operations such as refuelling, payload updating, inspection, maintenance, material and crew transfer, modular structures assemblies and in general all those processes requiring the participation of two or more collaborative vehicles are acquiring growing importance in the space-related field, since they allow the development of longer-lifetime missions. To successfully accomplish all these on-orbit servicing operations, the ability to approach and mate with another vehicle is fundamental. Rendezvous strategies, proximity procedures and docking manoeuvres between spacecraft are of utmost importance and new, effective, standard and reliable solutions are needed to ensure further technological developments. Presently, the possibility to create low-cost clusters of vehicles able to share their resources may be exploited thanks to the broadening advent of CubeSat-sized spacecraft, which are conditioning the space market nowadays. In this context, this thesis aims at presenting viable strategies for spacecraft RendezVous and Docking (RVD) manoeuvres exploiting electro-magnetic interactions. Two perspective concepts have been investigated and developed, linked together by the use of CubeSat-size testing platforms. The idea behind the first one, PACMAN (Position and Attitude Control with MAgnetic Navigation) experiment, is to actively exploit magnetic interactions for relative position and attitude control during rendezvous and proximity operations between small-scale spacecraft. PACMAN experiment has been developed within ESA Education Fly Your Thesis! 2017 programme and has been tested in low-gravity conditions during the 68th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign (PFC) in December 2017. The experiment validation has been accomplished by launching a miniature spacecraft mock-up (1 U CubeSat, the CUBE) and a Free-Floating Target (1 U CubeSat, the FFT) that generates a static magnetic fields towards each other; a set of actively-controlled magnetic coils on board the CUBE, assisted by dedicated localization sensors, are used to control the CUBE attitude and relative position, assuring in this way the accomplishment of the soft-docking manoeuvre. The second one, TED (Tethered Electromagnetic Docking), concerns a novel docking strategy in which a tethered electromagnetic probe is expected to be ejected by a chaser toward a receiving electromagnetic interface mounted on a target spacecraft. The generated magnetic field drives the probe to the target and realizes an automatic alignment between the two interfaces, thus reducing control requirements for close approach manoeuvres as well as the fuel consumption necessary for them. After that, hard-docking can be accomplished by retracting the tether and bringing the two spacecraft in contact

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