We define novel fully combinatorial models of higher categories. Our
definitions are based on a connection of higher categories to "directed
spaces". Directed spaces are locally modelled on manifold diagrams, which are
stratifications of the n-cube such that strata are transversal to the flag
foliation of the n-cube. The first part of this thesis develops a combinatorial
model for manifold diagrams called singular n-cubes. In the second part we
apply this model to build our notions of higher categories.
Singular n-cubes are "directed triangulations" of space together with a
decomposition into a collection of subspaces or strata. Singular n-cubes can be
naturally organised into two categories. The first, whose morphisms are bundles
themselves, is used for the inductive definition of singular (n+1)-cubes. The
second, whose morphisms are "open" base changes, admits an (epi,mono)
factorisation system. Monomorphisms will be called embeddings of cubes.
Epimorphisms will be called collapses and describe how triangulations can be
coarsened. Each cube has a unique coarsest triangulation called its normal
form. The existence of normal forms makes the equality relation of
(combinatorially represented) manifold diagrams decidable.
As the main application of the resulting combinatorial framework for manifold
diagrams, we give algebraic definitions of various notions of higher
categories. Namely, we define associative n-categories, presented associative
n-categories and presented associative n-groupoids. All three notions will have
strict units and associators; the only weak coherences are homotopies, but we
develop a mechanism for recovering the usual coherence data of weak
n-categories, such as associators and pentagonators and their higher analogues.
This will motivate the conjecture that the theory of associative higher
categories is equivalent to its fully weak counterpart.Comment: 499 page