
Dressed-Orbital Approach to Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Beyond


We present a novel representation of coupled matter-photon systems that allows the application of many-body methods developed for purely fermionic systems. We do so by rewriting the original coupled light-matter problem in a higher-dimensional configuration space and then use photon-dressed orbitals as a basis to expand the thus "fermionized" coupled system. As an application we present a dressed time-dependent density-functional theory approach. The resulting dressed Kohn-Sham scheme allows for straightforward non-adiabatic approximations to the unknown exchange-correlation potential that explicitly includes correlations. We illustrate this for simple model systems placed inside a high-Q optical cavity, and show also results for observables such as the photon-field fluctuations that are hard to capture in standard matter-photon Kohn-Sham. We finally highlight that the dressed-orbital approach extends beyond the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics and can be applied to, e.g., van-der-Waals problems

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