
Localised necessary conditions for singularity formation in the Navier-Stokes equations with curved boundary


We generalize two results in the Navier-Stokes regularity theory whose proofs rely on `zooming in' on a presumed singularity to the local setting near a curved portion ΓΩ\Gamma \subset \partial\Omega of the boundary. Suppose that uu is a boundary suitable weak solution with singularity z=(x,T)z^* = (x^*,T^*), where xΩΓx^* \in \Omega \cup \Gamma. Then, under weak background assumptions, the L3L_3 norm of uu tends to infinity in every ball centered at xx^*: \begin{equation*} \lim_{t \to T^*_-} \lVert u(\cdot, t)\rVert_{L_{3}\left(\Omega \cap B(x^*,r)\right)} = \infty \quad \forall r > 0. \end{equation*} Additionally, uu generates a non-trivial `mild bounded ancient solution' in R3\mathbb{R}^3 or R+3\mathbb{R}^3_+ through a rescaling procedure that `zooms in' on the singularity. Our proofs rely on a truncation procedure for boundary suitable weak solutions. The former result is based on energy estimates for L3L_3 initial data and a Liouville theorem. For the latter result, we apply perturbation theory for LL_\infty initial data based on linear estimates due to K. Abe and Y. Giga

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