
On the discrepancy of random low degree set systems


Motivated by the celebrated Beck-Fiala conjecture, we consider the random setting where there are nn elements and mm sets and each element lies in tt randomly chosen sets. In this setting, Ezra and Lovett showed an O((tlogt)1/2)O((t \log t)^{1/2}) discrepancy bound in the regime when nmn \leq m and an O(1)O(1) bound when nmtn \gg m^t. In this paper, we give a tight O(t)O(\sqrt{t}) bound for the entire range of nn and mm, under a mild assumption that t=Ω(loglogm)2t = \Omega (\log \log m)^2. The result is based on two steps. First, applying the partial coloring method to the case when n=mlogO(1)mn = m \log^{O(1)} m and using the properties of the random set system we show that the overall discrepancy incurred is at most O(t)O(\sqrt{t}). Second, we reduce the general case to that of nmlogO(1)mn \leq m \log^{O(1)}m using LP duality and a careful counting argument

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