
A spiritual journey of discovery: breaking free from man-made autonomy through interior freedom


Spirituality is a lifelong journey one is urged to discover in order to live life to the full. One of today’s challenges is man’s own creation of autonomy. This can either, if well tempered be an asset; but many a times, if misunderstood and misused can be a great hindrance. This paper is going to present this theme from a Christian perspective, aiming to share some insights and suggestions for a spirituality that enhances man’s potential towards living a wholesome life. Within this realm, one might ask: is modern man aware that autonomy is being misunderstood and that it differs from the God-given-gift of liberty? What are the most salient barriers one must overcome in order to use liberty as an antithesis to the potential enslavement of autonomy? How can one discover new and healthier means in order to live a healthy spiritual life where the intellect and the volitional enable a healthy life based on interior freedom, where autonomy is moulded into an asset for the good of the individual and of the common good? In The End of the Modern World, philosopher and theologian Romano Guardini aptly wrote that: “Once the ‘autonomous’ state has broken all bonds, will either succeed in converting his mastery into good - then his accomplishment would be immense indeed - ...or man himself will be at an end.”peer-reviewe

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