On the random greedy F-free hypergraph process


Let FF be a strictly kk-balanced kk-uniform hypergraph with e(F)Fk+1e(F)\geq |F|-k+1 and maximum co-degree at least two. The random greedy FF-free process constructs a maximal FF-free hypergraph as follows. Consider a random ordering of the hyperedges of the complete kk-uniform hypergraph KnkK_n^k on nn vertices. Start with the empty hypergraph on nn vertices. Successively consider the hyperedges ee of KnkK_n^k in the given ordering, and add ee to the existing hypergraph provided that ee does not create a copy of FF. We show that asymptotically almost surely this process terminates at a hypergraph with O~(nk(Fk)/(e(F)1))\tilde{O}(n^{k-(|F|-k)/(e(F)-1)}) hyperedges. This is best possible up to logarithmic factors

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