Widening Access to undergraduate physiotherapy education in South Africa: Pointers from students records


In response to the state mandate to improve access and equity in higher education, the admission policy of universities in South Africa (SA) currently employs measures for the redress of past inequalities and racial injustices. As there is no information on the processes to widen access to undergraduate physiotherapy education program in SA, the aim of this reported study was to search for pointers from students’ records in one local university, situated in the Western Province of SA, that would inform the development of strategies that will widen the access for previously disadvantaged population groups and ensure successful academic outcomes. The records of six cohorts of students who earlier applied for and later enrolled in the undergraduate physiotherapy program between the years 2000 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Information pertaining to access, student characteristics, and academic persistence was extracted, reviewed and analysed descriptively. During the period reviewed, approximately equal numbers of Black and non-Black students applied for admission to the program. The proportion of Black applicants meeting minimum admission requirements was less than half of the White/Asian applicants. Less than 50% (105/212) of the offers made to Black applicants were accepted. Forty one percent (43/105) of the enrolled Black students successfully completed the program within the minimum 4 years compared to 75.5% (145/192) of the White/Asian students. Strategies should be implemented to increase awareness and recruitment, improve enrolment rates, and improve retention and throughput for Black students in the undergraduate physiotherapy program of a historically “white” SA university

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