The Cation-¶ interaction is recognized as an important noncovalent bonding force in a wide range of molecular systems. The gas-phase studies of ion-molecule complexes established that Cation-¶ bind strongly to simple aromatic systems. High-level theoretical studies of ion-molecule systems have shown excellent agreement between calculated and experimental bonding energies. It has been documented that Cation-¶ interactions are important for molecular recognition in many biological systems. Investigations of Cation-¶ interactions in proteins and peptides show that Cation-¶ interaction pairs contribute at least as much to protein stability and the structural motifs of native protein as more conventional interactions. Interactions of cationic metal complexes with ¶ systems had been observed and investigated.Katjon-¶ interakcije predstavljaju veoma važan tip nekovalentnih veza u mnogim molekulskim sistemima i važne su za molekulska prepoznavanja u mnogim biološkim sistemima. Gasno-fazna ispitivanja jonsko-molekulskih kompleksa pokazala su da se katjoni vezuju za jednostavne aromatične sisteme velikom jačinom. Smatra se da katjon-¶ interakcije sa proteinima i peptidima podjednako doprinose stabilnosti proteina kao i strukturni motivi nativnih proteina. U ovom radu dat je pregled interakcija katjonskih kompleksa metala sa ¶ sistemima