In this paper we study a subgrid model based on extrapolation of a corrective force, in the case of a linear convection-diffusion problem Lu=f in one dimension. The running average uh of the exact solution u on the finest computational scale h satisfies an equation Lhβuh=[f]h+Fhβ, where Lhβ is the operator used in the computation on the scale h, [f]h is the approximation of f on the scale h, and Fhβ acts as a corrective force, which needs to be modeled. The subgrid modeling problem is to compute approximations of Fhβ without using finer scales than h. In this study we model Fhβ by extrapolation from coarser scales than h where the corrective force is directly computed with the finest scale h as reference. We show in experiments that a corrected solution with subgrid model on scale h corresponds to a non-corrected solution on less than h/4