
Studies on the Tissue Mast Cells in the Liver 2. Observations on the Tissue Mast Cells in the Experimental Damaged Liver


In the preceding report, the author studied the changes of tissue mast cells (TMC) in the specimens of liver biopsy specimens of viral hepatitis. The present study was attempted to confirm, by animal experiments, the data described in the previous report. Animals used were male dogs, mice and rabbits. Chloroform and carbon tetrachloride were administrated for experimental damage of the liver tissue. The experiments gave the following results: 1. TMC were found both in intralobular and periportal region of the liver. Destructive processes such as dispersion, degranulation, destruction and condensation of the granule in TMC were found in an early stage of the liver damage. A marked increase in number and morphological changes of TMC as the remarkable proliferation of the connective tissue in periportal and intralobular regions were noted in such chronic stage. 2. A marked decrease in number and remarkable morphological changes of TMC were observed in the cases on an adrenocorticosteroid hormon therapy. 3. TMC were chiefly found in the periportal region of rat's liver, and a increase in number and morphological changes were found when the connective tissue increased in the periportal field after long-term administration of hepato-toxic drugs. 4. The asministration of the adrenal cortical hormones induced a marked decrease in number and destractive and condensed chages of TMC granules at this stage. 5. Administrations of the remedies for liver damage such as glucronic acid, thioctic acid, multi-vitamines and communin induced a slight increase in mumber and slight changes in the morphological findings comparing with control groups. The only remarkable change were the condensation of TMC granules. 6. Only a few TMC were found in rabbit's liver, and there were minimal or no changes in TMC, even in the stage of marked damage of the liver tissue. 7. These results lead to the following conculsions: There is a close relation between the proliferation of the connective tissue in dog's and rat's liver and the changes of TMC

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