The lipid composition of five Kenyan maize varieties was evaluated. The oil contents ranged between 3.9 and 5.0%. Neutral lipids comprised about 90% of the total lipids. Triglycerides were the most abundant lipid class, comprising more than 50% of the total lipids. High levels og free fatty acids were observed, indicating deterioration of the lipids.5種類のケニヤ産トウモロコシの脂質組成を分析した。その結果、全脂質含量は3.5-5.0% であり、中性脂質は全脂質含量の90% を占め、トリグリセリドは全脂質含量の50% を占めた。また、高い遊離脂肪酸含量が観察されたが、これは脂質の分解が起こっていることを示している