
The influence of the blocking of autonomic nerves upon the anaphylactic phenomenon. Part 1. The influences of the blocking of autonomic nerves by medicines upon the general anaphylaxy


The influences of Ravonal, Procaine, Promethazine and Chlorpromazine upon the general anaphylaxy on rabbits were investigated. 1. Ravonal showed the definite inhibitory reaction upon the general anaphylaxy, which depended upon the depth of anesthesia. It did not show any marked effect in light anesthesia, while, in deep, it showed the prominent inhibitory effect. That is, the inhibitory effects varried markedly with the depth of the anesthesia. 2. As soon as the anesthetic effects reached to hypothalamus, the marked inhibitory effects were shown. This is considered to be caused by the mechanism based on the anesthetic effect on the autonomic nerve center. 3. Although Procaine showed an inhibitory reaction, the effects were slight. 4. Either Promethazine or Chlorpromazine showed the strong inhibitory reaction. 5. The excellent inhibitory effects of these phenothiazine derivatives upon the general anapylaxy are regarded to have much factors on central anesthetic reactions against the autonomic nerve system than their reactions against antihistamine and antiacetylcholine effects

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