
An experiment on making "Belongingness to Classroom Group Scale" in high school.


本研究では、現代の高校生における学級集団への帰属意識の要因を明確にし、その学級集団への帰属意識の要因の構造をもとに、高等学校における学級集団への帰属意識とスクールモラールや、学校生活適応感尺度との関連性について考察した。まず、145名の高校生から学級集団への帰属意識の規定要因についての項目を収集し、高校生の心的リアリティーに添った具体的場面での46の質問項目を選定した。学級集団への帰属意識尺度の得点について因子分析を行ったところ、「学級からの受容」、「学級のまとまり」、「帰属阻害感」の3因子が抽出された。各因子尺度の信頼性分析により、信頼性が確認された。また、全ての並行検査との間に有意な相関がみられることから構成概念妥当性が支持されたと考える。In this study, factors of "Belongingness to Classroom Group" among high school students of today were clarified and the correlations with "School Morale" and "Adaptation to School Life Scale" were also investigated under the structure of those factors. To begin with, items of factors of "Belongingness to Classroom Group" were collected from 145 students and 46 questionnaires were selected from concrete situations meeting their mental reality. After that, factor analysis was done on the scores and three factors "Acceptance from Class", "Class Unity" and "Obstacle to Belonging" were extracted. By doing the reliability analysis, it is understood that sufficient reliabilities have been confirmed on these three factors. Also, significant correlations were observed with all tests done in parallel and therefore we think that the construct validity has been supported

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