
An inspection of Microorganism under HACCP System inManufacturing Processof Meat Production


Meat product industries have been introduced to HACCP, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, which is internationally recognized as the best method for assuring product safety by controlling potential food safety hazards. The present research was carried out to evaluate the safety of meat production after applying the HACCP system to the manufacturing line of meat products. Factors such as raw meat, the middle product, the final product, the stored product, the equipment and factory workers' conditions were investigated to confirm whether safe meat production is achieved and if an enterprize can maintain such production and marketing. As a result, on one hand, in the case of meat processing, the bacteria in products after cooking were found. Also, no secondary bacteria contamination could be found under good sanitary management of the packaging process. Detection of bacteria in products during storage for 25 days at 4℃ was negligible or even negative. The bacteria in the equipment and working environment and in the bacteria in the packaging process were at lower levels than in the manufacturing process. The levels ov bacteria and mold from the air in the factory suggested to habe no influence on products. The HACCP system effectively managed the sanitation of the manufacturing process in this factory. Furthermore, education of the workforce, and the sanitary management of tools and materials are constantly necessary in order to maintain product safety.⑴ HACCPシステムを導入したロースハムの製造工程および保存中の細菌および理化学的項目を検査した. ⑵ 原料肉は10 3-4 cfu/ ,製造工程では10 5-6 cfu/だった.加熱処理で微生物は死滅し,以後はほとんど無菌状態で非常に衛生的であった.解凍水は10 3 cfu/ だった. ⑶ 原料肉の整形,充塡のため使用した設備・機器・ピックル液には相当数の菌が存在したので、これらの衛生管理が重要である.また,作業場内で存 在する落下菌とカビは製品等に影響のない状態であった. ⑷ 保存中の製品の細菌数は300/ 以下または陰性であった.危害微生物に対する加熱処理は適切に実施されていることが認められた.また,水分,亜硝酸塩,食塩,pH,水分活性の理化学的項目は正常だった. ⑸ HACCPシステムは機能し,加熱食肉製品の微生物規格基準を満足する製品が製造され,保存性も良好であった.また,加熱後の衛生管理ならびに施設・設備・水・作業者の管理は適切であった

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