
A Study of Human Computing on Solving Process of Basic Problems in Exercises for learning by Brain Wave


本研究は、基礎的な学習課題(計算、幾何証明、漢字の書き取り、ワープロ入力作業、マウスによる描画作業)を紙上、VDT(Visual Display Terminals)の学習メディア提示形態で被験者に行わせ、脳波の周波数分析を用いて、人間の学習認知状態における心理負荷量を教材認識、教授メディアの質の違いから比較分析した。被験者を用い、αブロッキングを基準とした脳波の周波数解析実験を行った。その結果、開眼安静時を基準として各学習時の学習課題解決における学習者の心理負荷量を考察したところ、各学習作業においてα波出現量比はワープロ入力、漢字練習、計算問題、マウスによる描画問題、幾何の順に低くなる、また学習の過程で脳波性状が大きく変化する、学習での脳波成分の個人差が大きい、等の知見を得た。In this paper, we describe the comparative experiments to the students on solving process of problems on typical school teaching material knowledge (caluculation, geometry, Kanji dictations, typewriting, drawing ) in exercises in both in VDT works and on desktop works by frequency analysis of Brain Wave. The cognitive states of each mental working were compared on brain waves. And α reduction rate in brain waves in each mental work (calculation, geometry, Kanji dictations, typewriting, drawing ) were comparatively analysed. As the results, it was elucidated that, on VDT works, the α reduction rate in brain waves was put in order, typewriting, Kanji dictations, calculation, drawing, geometry, And VDT works are more impressive to the brain work than desktop works. And, by frequency analysis of brain waves,α reduction rate of brain waves in the studying process changes so quickly and the differences of α reduction rate between individuals are recognized to be so high

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