
Comparison of Resistance to Powdery Mildew between Wild Barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch)


A total of 162 strains of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch originating from Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Central Asia, were tested for resistance to powdery mildew. Then, the variation of resistance was compared with that of 145 local varieties of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) originating from the same region of the wild barley collection. Ten different isolates of the parasite with Japanese origin were separately inoculated onto the first leaves of the host plants. The infection types were classified into the following: i, immunelike; R, highly resistant; M, moderately resistant; and S, highly susceptible. Resistant strains with i, R or M infection type were more frequent among wild barleys as compared with the cultivated forms. It is noteworthy that among these three resistant reactions,the M type was most frequent in the wild barley. To compare the degree of resistance to a total of 10 isolates, the resistance score was calculated in each of the wild and cultivated strains as the following: Scores 1,2,3 and 4 were given to the infection types of i, R, M and S, respectively, and the mean score for 10 isolates was calculated. Wild barley showed significantly low resistance scores as compared with those of cultivated barley. This was also confirmed by the cluster analysis; the cluster with more resistance to 10 isolates consisted of many strains of wild barley. Next, the resistance of wild barley was characterized by their broader effective ranges to different isolates. According to the x2 test for independence of reactions to two different isolates, the resistant factor(s) involved in wild barley was confirmed to be rather non-specific to the parasite. It was concluded that H. spontaneum may be useful genetic resources for the breeding of resistance to powdery mildew as well as local varieties.病原菌の変異による抵抗性品種の罹病化は耐病性育種の大きな問題である。永続性のある抵抗性品種を育成するための遺伝資源を得る目的で、病原菌と長期間共進化してきた野生オオムギ(Hordeum spontaneum)と在来種のうどんこ病抵抗性を評価した。材料はH.spontaneum162系統ならびにこれらと産地を同じくする在来品種145系統である。接種には日本のうどんこ病菌H1,h4,h9の他に人為的交雑によって育成した7菌株を加えた10菌株を用いた。第1葉の反応を免疫的抵抗性(i)、高度抵抗性(R)、中度抵抗性(M)および罹病性(S)に分類した。その結果、以下のことが明らかとなった。1)抵抗性(i,R,M)を示す系統の頻度は大部分の菌株において野生種の方が高かった。2)野生種の抵抗性は在来種よりも多数の菌株に対して有効であった。3)クラスター分析の結果、野生種の大部分が同一のグループに属し、在来品種は多くのサブグループに属することが明らかにされた。4)これらの事実から、オオムギの野生種はうどんこ病抵抗性育種の遺伝資源として在来種と同等あるいはそれ以上に有用であるとみられた

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