
Studies on Host Selection, Development and Reproduction of Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner)


The host selection, development and reproduction of sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner) were studied. Both alate and apterous virginoparous adults showed a stronger tendency of preference to a susceptible strain of sorghum and Cuba grass, Sorghum helepense (Persoon) than a resistant strain of sorghum and Eulalia, Miscanthus sinensis (Anderss). The number of days for larval development was increased with a decrease in longevity and fecundity in aphids reared on resistant sorghum at 25℃ under a 16-hour photoperiodic condition.ヒエノアブラムシの寄主選択行動と発育、繁殖について、温度25℃、16時間日長条件下で調査し、次のような結果を得た。有翅胎生雌虫、無翅胎生雌虫の成虫は感受性ソルガム(Redlan B)と野生のセイバンモロコシに対して強い選好性を示した。抵抗性ソルガム(P.E.954-177)は、感受性ソルガム(Redlan B)に比較する幼虫期間の遅延、産子数の低下および生存期間の短縮がみられた

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