
Kinetic analysis of thyroxine outside thyroid with 131-I-tyroxine by aid of computer--with special reference to liver diseases


By assuming a three-compartment model, kinetic analysis of peripheral hyroxine distributions in various organs was represented by the alues calculated on the basis of the disappearance curve of 131I-T4 radioactivity in the serum, time&#12288;dependent curve of radioactivity over the liver&#12288;and urinary excretion of 131I-T4 in attempts to clarify the kinetic distribution&#12288;of the thyroxine and the time&#12288;dependent pool size of thyroxine in each&#12288;compartment such as serum pool, liver pool, and the other pool,&#12288;As a result it has been demonstrated that pool size3 of tyroxine, in the serum, liver and the other pool are enlarged in&#12288;hyperthyroidism, while&#12288;they are decreased in&#12288;hypothyroidism in respective pools.&#12288;We have recognized the reduction in the values of the liver pool size&#12288;of 131I-thyroxine and 131I-thyroxine excretion into the bile, while the increase&#12288;of 131I-thyroxine excretion into the urine in the cases of chronic hepatitis&#12288;and cirrhosis of the liver, but the thyroxine concentration in the serum to remain within the normal level in liver diseases. As a result of the reduction&#12288;in the liver pool size of 131I-thyroxine and in its uptake into the liver,&#12288;the other pool size enlarges to compensate the reduction and the function of the other pool is elevated.</p

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