


The effects of temperature on budbreak of cuttings obtained at different stages of dormancy from 'Pione' grapevines (Vitis labrusca × V. vinifera) grown in open field were investigated. Cuttings were collected at monthly intervals from July to March. Judging from the number of days to initial and 60% budbreak after treatment, indicating promotion and the uniformity of budbreak, respectively, 30℃ was the most effective in budbreak, followed by 25 and 20℃ in that order in all treatment times. However, the effect of temperature on budbreak was markedly affected by treatment time. The number of days to initial budbreak (NDIB) increased gradually from July to October, peaked in December and thereafter decreased gradually towards March. The periods from July to September, from October to December, and from January to March were assumed to correspond to paradormancy, endodormancy, and ecodormancy of 'Pione' grapevines, respectively. Final percentage of budbreak was less than 100% until endodormancy for all temperatures. It was below 60% at 20℃ treatments of July to September. On the other hand, a uniform budbreak was observed in the treatments after the middle of endodormancy for all temperatures, resulting in almost 100% of final percentage of budbreak. There was a significant negative correlation between NDIB and cumulative chilling hour (CCH) of exposure to below 7.2℃ in the treatments after November, and also between NDIB and cumulative temperature (CT, ℃・h), a summation of temperature and hours of exposure to above 0°C from November 1 to each treatment time and hours of exposure to 20, 25, or 30℃ from start of treatment to budbreak in each plot. The results suggest that besides CCH, CT can also be used to estimate the completion of dormancy in 'Pione' grapevine bud.露地栽培されているブドウ‘ピオーネ’について,休眠の深さが異なる7月から翌年3月まで約1か月間隔で枝を採取し,1芽を有す挿し穂を調整した後,20,25および30℃に制御したインキュベーター(いずれも14時間日長)に入れ,経時的に発芽を調査した.発芽の早さを示す発芽所要日数と発芽の揃いを示す60%発芽所要日数から発芽に及ぼす温度の影響を評価した.実験期間中の温度を測定し,休眠完了と温度との関係を考察した.いずれの処理時期においても30℃の発芽が最も優れ,次いで25℃,20℃の順であった.しかし,発芽に及ぼす温度の影響は処理時期によって大きく異なった.すなわち,発芽所要日数は7月から10月までは徐々に増加し,11月に最大に達した後,3月に向けて少しずつ減少した.このことから,‘ピオーネ’では7月から9月が条件的休眠期,10月から12月が自発休眠期,1月から3月が他発休眠期と推察された.自発休眠期までの最終発芽率はいずれの温度も100%未満であり,また7月~9月の20℃処理では60%未満の発芽率であった.一方,自発休眠期の中期以降の処理ではいずれの温度とも均一な発芽を示し,最終発芽率はほぼ100%であった.11月以降の処理において,発芽所要日数と7.2℃以下の温度に遭遇した時間数(CCH)との間に有意な負の相関があった.また,11月1日から各処理時期までの0℃以上の温度に遭遇した時間数と20,25または30℃で処理を始めた日から各処理区の発芽までの時間数との積算(CT, ℃・h)との間にも有意な負の相関が認められた.以上のことから,‘ピオーネ’の芽の休眠完了の予測には低温遭遇量だけでなく,0℃以上の積算温度による方法も有効と考えられた

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