
A study on patient's difficult experiences' and coping methods for them that patients go through following laryngectomy


本研究の目的は,喉頭切除術を受けた患者が体験している困難とそれへの対処方法を明らかにすることである。自宅で生活する1名の喉頭切除術後患者に対して行った半構成面接により得られたデータを質的帰納的に分析した結果,喉頭切除術を受けた患者が体験している困難な体験としては,【転移に対する恐怖を持ち続けて生活していかなければならない不安】【うまく意思疎通できないことへの苛立ち】【元通りの生活ができない煩わしさ】【変化した機能を補いながら生きていかなくてはならない不便さ】【予測できない症状に対する恐怖】【役割を果たせないことに対する自己嫌悪】【気管ロを特異な目で見られることの不快感】【生活を再構築するための時間の必要性】の8のカテゴリーが抽出された。また,困難な体験に対する患者の対処方法としては,の13のカテゴリーが抽出された。という対処方法は,その他12の対処方法の根底として存在し,このという対処方法が,困難な体験を乗り越えていくための原動力になっていることが明らかとなった。The objective of the present study is to clarify difficult experiences and coping methods for them that patients go through following laryngectomy. A semi-structured interview was conducted on a patient who had undergone laryngectomy and was living at home. The results of qualitative induction analysis identified the following eight categories for difficult experiences: 1) Uneasiness to have to live with fear of metastasis, 2) Being frustrated about not being able to communicate weel, 3) Annoyingness not to be able to do former life, 4) Inconvenience to have to live supporting changing function, 5) Have fear of unexpected symptoms, 6) Self-hatred for not playing a role, 7) Being uncomfortable when people look at the tracheal stoma, and 8) Needing time to reconstruct life. And the results of qualitative induction analysis identified the following twelve categories for coping methods: 1) Have mental images postoperative situation, 2) Continue treatment, 3) Switch to communication method except for speaking, 4) Eat while figuring out a good way in the daily life, 5) Soak in the bathtub until at tracheostomy and wipe out other part of body when taking a bath, 6) Buy new clothes not cover tracheostomy, 7)Replace tracheostomy tube without attachment to live, and making the airway clean, 8) Receive information about the smell from the family, 9) Consult a doctor, 10) Master coping method on his own, 11) Practice what I can now, 12) Keep usual not hiding under a cover according to his sense, 13) Brings it close to former life spending time. 'Have mental images postoperative situation' was based on other coping methods. The results clarified that, in order to allow laryngectomized patients to overcome these difficult experiences, it is important for them to have mental images of situations that they will face following surgery

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