精神疾患患者への訪問看護における問題を検討する基礎資料とするため,O県の訪問看護ステーションにおける精神疾患患者の利用状況と訪問看護師の利用者への社会資源導入経験の有無を明らかにすることを目的として調査を実施した。調査は2003年9月に質問紙郵送法により実施した。対象とした126施設のうち,回答の得られた64施設(回収率50.8%)の1か月間の利用者総数は2,471人であり,そのうち精神疾患患者は743人(30.1%)で,精神疾患のうち痴呆の占める割合は488人(65.7%)であった。施設単位では精神疾患患者の利用は60施設(93.8%)にあり,疾患の内訳は痴呆が57施設,うつ病が28施設,統合失調症が17施設等であった。また,訪問看護ステーション開設時からの精神疾患患者への社会資源の導入経験は約半数の34施設(53.1%)にあった。少数の訪問看護師からは,精神疾患患者への対応の困難さを感じていること,精神科看護に関する情報を求めていることなどの意見があった。訪問看護における精神科看護のニーズは今後も高まることが予測され,専門的技術の向上や地域における専門施設との連携が求められる。The family which has a mental illness member is apt to worry about social appearance because of the stigma of the illness. Therefore. it is often difficult to introduce a. social resource to such families. The purpose of this study is to clarify the status of usage of illness patients at visiting nursing stations. and find the
problems of family care with such patients. The visiting nurses were surveyed about their experience that introducing social resources to families. Questionnaire survey were administered on the 126 visiting nursing stations of O prefecture, that had an experience to introduce social resources to such families. The valid answers from 64 visiting nursing stations (50.8% of surveyed) were obtained. As a result, 93.8% of visiting nursing stations were utilized by mental illness. The illnesses of patients were dementia, depression and schizophrenia, and had been accepted at 57, 28, and 17 facilities respectively. More than half of facilities had introduced social resources to mental illness patients at first of the service beginning. But some of them feel troublesome to care mental illness patient, and seek for information about psychiatric nursing