
Pancreaticogastrostomy: Effect of Partial Gastrectomy on the Pancreatic Stump in Rabbits


To assess the influence of digestive juice on the pancreatic stump when pancreaticogastrostomy was performed after pancreatoduodenectomy, the pancreatic stump was anastomosed to the intact stomach (group I), the stomach after partial gastrectomy (group II), or the jejunum (group III) in rabbits, and the nature of the digestive juice at the anastomotic site as well as the histologic changes of the pancreatic tissue were investigated. The digestive juice was highly acidic in group I, slightly acidic in group II, and almost neutral in group III. Histological examination of the pancreatic stump revealed extensive coagulative necrosis and delayed replacement with granulation tissue in group I, while there was less prominent liquefactive necrosis and early replacement with granulation tissue in groups II and III. Intraperitoneal abscess formation around the anastomotic site and atrophic fibrosis of the pancreas (similar to the changes after pancreatic duct ligation) occurred in 27.8% and 46.2% of group I rabbits, respectively, but no such changes were detected in groups II and III (both P &#60; 0.05). These results indicate that the highly acidic gastric juice had a widespread corrosive effect on the anastomosed pancreatic tissue, and that partial gastrectomy may be necessary to prevent anastomotic leakage and pancreatic duct obstruction after pancreaticogastrostomy.</p

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