
Characterization of xenoantiserum produced against B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line


Antiserum was produced in white rabbit by intravenously injecting living cells of a B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) line (BALL-1). The reactivity of the antiserum against various lymphoid cell lines was examined by membrane immunofluorescence after appropriate absorption. Serum absorbed with non-T, non-B (NALL-1) and T-ALL (TALL-1) cells recognized B cell antigens distinct from Ia-like antigens on both normal and neoplastic B cells. After further absorption with tonsillar cells or normal B cell line (KO-HL-3), it reacted only with BALL-1 cells and did not react with other leukemia/lymphoma and normal B cell lines. The serum absorbed with tonsillar cells reacted only with BALL-1 and some B cell lines. Thus we were able to obtain antisera with specificity to B cell antigen, B-ALL antigen, and B cell line antigen.</p

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