
Toxic Substances in the Flowers pf Pieris japonica


It has been reported that several toxic diterpenoids, Pieristoxins and Asebotoxins, were isolated from the flowers of Pieris japonica D. Don (Ericaceae). The structures of Asebotoxin-I, II, III, IV, V and VII are known, but those of Pieristoxin A, B, C and D are unknown. We isolated five diterpenoids, compound-I, II, III, IV and V, from the same flowers. The structures of these compounds were investigated. From the comparison of the spectral data and the chemical facts, compound-I, mp 190-191°, and compound-II were found to be identical with Asebotoxin-I C23H38O7, mp 196-198°, and Asebotoxin-VII C25H38O10, respectively. The IR spectrum of compound-III (mp 257-260°) was identical with that of Pieristoxin-B (mp 257°). Compound-ID: was hydrolysed to give lactic acid and desacyl Pieristoxin-B (Pieristoxin-E, mp 280-282°), which showed the same IR spectrum with compound-IV (mp 260-276°). The analysis of the NMR spectrurm of Pieristoxin-E showed the presence of the same functional groups to those of Rhodojaponin-III C20H32O6 (desacyl Asebotoxin-III, mp 285-287°). The melting point of Pieristoxin-E is close to that of Rhodojaponin-III, but those of monoacetyl Pieristoxin-E (mp 280-283°) and diacetyl Pieristoxin-E (mp 236-238°) differ from those of monoacetyl Rhodojaponin-III (Rhodojaponin-II mp 294.5-296°) and diacetyl Rhodojaponin-III(Rhodojaponin-I, mp 248.5-250°), respectively. The C-14 hydrogen signal (6.18 ppm) in the NMR spectrum of Pieristoxin-B indicates that Pieristoxin-B is 14-lactoyl Pieristoxin-E. The NMR spectrum of Pieristoxin-B is similar to that of Rhodojaponin-V (14-acetyl Rhodojaponin-III except that the signals due to the O-acetyl group in the latter is replaced by the signals due to the O-lactoyl group in the former. It is likely that Pieristoxin-B and E are identical with Asebotoxin-III and Rhodojaponin-III, respectively. The structure of compound-V C25H40O9, mp 203-205°, was shown by the chemical and spectral characteristics to be 7-acetoxy-14-propionyl Grayanotoxin-III or 7-propionyloxy-14-acetyl Grayanotoxin-III

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