
Sistem Pembiayaan Kredit Dengan Jaminan Fidusia Di Bpr Bina Langgeng Mulia Surakarta


The granting of credit should be based on the principle of prudence, in the credit collection of the guarantee either in the form of guaranteed material and personal guarantee. One kind of material security is fiduciary guarantee. This study aims to find out how the fiduciary guarantee in the provision of credit in BPR Bina Langgeng Mulia Surakarta through two things namely the mechanism of credit financing with fiduciary guarantee and the settlement of non-performing loans with fiduciary guarantee. The method used in this research is empirical juridical. This study used primary, secondary, and tertiary data. Data collection methods used library data collection techniques (library studies), field studies consisting of observations and interviews. Methods of data analysis using qualitative descriptive techniques. The implementation of credit agreement procedure with fiduciary guarantee has been executed correctly in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations

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