
Dampak Konversi Lahan Pertanian Menjadi Non Pertanian Terhadap Swasembada Pangan Masyarakat Kabupaten Sukoharjo (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo)


Conversion of agricultural land is now one of the problems that exist in Indonesia. With so many conversion of agricultural land to non agriculture caused by population growth rate which every year progressing fast enough, so that agriculture land in turn function to be utilized as building. Conversion of land annually will threaten the agricultural sector and will affect food self-sufficiency in Indonesia, especially sukoharjo regency, because every year the food production area decreases causing the food production to decrease which will impact on the inability to achieve food self-sufficiency. Sukoharjo Government as one of the executor of the duty of the state, is obliged to provide for the food needs of its people. In order to achieve sufficient food self-sufficiency, the district government of Sukoharjo must be firm in applying the rules of land conversion firmly and wisely. The purpose of this research is to know the conversion of agricultural land in Sukoharjo regency and the relationship between agricultural land conversion and food self-sufficiency by using descriptive research type based on primary and secondary data. The results showed that Sukoharjo regency experienced high land conversion, because the population growth rate that was not balanced with the existing land in sukoharjo regency and sukoharjo regency has not been able to self-sufficiency of food independently, which caused the agricultural land continues to decline and food production decreased . Suggestions for the Sukoharjo District Government to more firmly enforce the existing rules and for the community not to be easy to release agricultural land to investors. And give full support to the farmers in improving food production

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